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   由北大法学院章永乐副教授与“普林斯顿中国系列(The Princeton-China Series )”的主编、国际知名学者贝淡宁(Daniel A. Bell)先生联合主编,经汉学家Edmund Ryden教授翻译的朱苏力教授的新著The Constitution of Ancient China,由国际知名出版集团普林斯顿大学出版社(Princeton University Press)出版,于20188月发行。



How was the vast ancient Chinese empire brought together and effectively ruled? What are the historical origins of the resilience of contemporary China's political system? In The Constitution of Ancient China, Su Li, China's most influential legal theorist, examines the ways in which a series of fundamental institutions, rather than a supreme legal code upholding the laws of the land, evolved and coalesced into an effective constitution.

Arguing that a constitution is an institutional response to a set of issues particular to a specific society, Su Li demonstrates how China unified a vast territory, diverse cultures, and elites from different backgrounds into a whole. He delves into such areas as uniform weights and measurements, the standardization of Chinese characters, and the building of the Great Wall. The book includes commentaries by four leading Chinese scholars in law, philosophy, and intellectual history—Wang Hui, Liu Han, Wu Fei, and Zhao Xiaoli—who share Su Li's ambition to explain the resilience of ancient China's political system but who contend that he overstates functionalist dimensions while downplaying the symbolic.

Exploring why China has endured as one political entity for over two thousand years, The Constitution of Ancient China will be essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the institutional legacy of the Chinese empire.

Su Li (Zhu Suli) is a professor at Peking University Law School and a pioneering scholar in the sociology of law, law and economics, and law and literature in China. His many books include Rule of Law and Its Indigenous ResourcesSending Law to the Countryside, and Law and Literature.


by  Su Li (Author), Zhang Yongle (Editor), Daniel A. Bell (Editor), Edmund Ryden (Translator)


附:“普林斯顿-中国系列”(The Princeton-China Series)介绍(内容来自网络检索):

    自2006年,PUPPrinceton University Press)就开始筹备出版普林斯顿-中国系列

    专注于比较政治哲学、社群主义、儒家文化研究的知名学者贝淡宁(Daniel Bell)是该系列的编辑之一。


    目前,普林斯顿-中国系列”已经出版了六本书,除北大法学院教授朱苏力外,其作者还包括顶尖外交政策专家阎学通、香港大学教授陈祖为、著名建筑史学家傅熹年、儒学家蒋庆。苏力教授PUP合作出版的The Constitution of Ancient China 普林斯顿-中国系列的第五本。